Please Note: The Law Offices of Johnson & Johnson ONLY take cases in California.

Attorney For Child Protective Services (CPS) Case

I strongly recommend Carin Johnson of The Law Offices of Johnson and Johnson. They are based in Walnut Creek and one of the only 10 lawyers in the entire state of California that actually know what they are doing when it comes to CPS and false allegations etc. Her website is: Her passion is unbelievable and she is a very experienced trial attorney who has good relationships with important key players in this game. I could not recommend her any higher!

A family who was falsely accused by cps.

Need family lawyer, navigating CPS

Aug 2009

I need to find a family lawyer who has experience navigating the CPS system on behalf of a 5-year-old who was recently molested. I would be *very* grateful for a recommendation! anon

My heart goes out to you. While I have experience dealing with the court system in a matter such as yours, we didn’t hire an attorney and the case was handled by the DA. There were many times I wish we HAD hired an attorney. You are wise to do so.

If you ever need someone to talk with about this… being a non-offending parent in a CSA case is so incredibly hard… feel free to email me. Support groups for us are few and far between (at least my thorough searching yielded only one in our area)…Read More
