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Pittsburg, CA DUI Lawyer
Population: Approximately 66,000
Pittsburg Police Department has about 80 full-time officers
DUI Enforcement
The Pittsburg Police Department has recently applied for and received funding from the Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) for a program it has labeled the “Selective Traffic Enforcement Program”. The stated objective of the program is to increase the visibility of DUI Enforcement in the city. Plans for the funding include Roving Patrols, Checkpoints, Warrant Sweeps, Court Stings and “Specialized Traffic Enforcement Operations”.
Historically the Pittsburg Police Department officers generally had not received advanced DUI training such as National Highway Safety Administration (NHTSA) training. Rather, Pittsburg Police Department Officers had tended to rely on forms of Drug Recognition or (DRE) training, which is not specific to driving under the influence of alcohol. As a result Pittsburg Police Department Officers have tended to administer a hybrid of Standardized Field Sobriety Tests and Non-Standardized Field Sobriety Tests. With grant money specific to DUI operations more officers are receiving Standardized Field Sobriety Tests training.
The Pittsburg Police Department uses the Alco-Sensor IV Preliminary Breath Testing device. Implied consent breath tests are conducted on the Drager Alco-Test 7110 MKIIIC maintained by the Contra Costa County Sheriff’s Department Toxicology Division. Implied Consent blood draws are conducted by on-call phlebotomist on contract from Central Medical Laboratory (CML). Implied Consent Blood Analysis are conducted at the Contra Costa County Sheriff’s Department Toxicology lab.
Checkpoint Operations
Pittsburg Police Department has increased their checkpoint operations in light of receipt of grants from the Office of Traffic Safety. Checkpoints in Pittsburg generally occur at or near the intersection of Railroad Ave. and Leland Rd.
Underage Drinking
The City of Pittsburg has recently passed a ‘Social Host’ Ordinance, which includes large fines ($1,000.00 plus Response Recovery Costs) for adults who own homes where minors are found drinking and include the option to deferral to the Contra Costa District Attorney’s Office for criminal prosecution. (Punishable by up to 6 mos. in County Jail).
After years of experience in Contra Costa County, attorney at The Law Offices of Johnson & Johnson have gained a great deal of information and knowledge regarding the DUI enforcement operations of the Pittsburg Police Department. Contact our office to schedule a consultation to discuss how we can help defend you from a DUI arrest by the Pittsburg Police Department.
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