DUI Enforcement Programs in the Bay Area
DUI Campaigns Are Funded by State and Federal Grants
Local law enforcement agencies are getting more aggressive in DUI stops with the increasing flow of grant dollars from the federal and state governments.
The Law Offices of Johnson & Johnson know Walnut Creek and the surrounding agencies’ tactics extremely well, since they are all part of the “Avoid the 25” Anti-DUI Task Force who combine resources for saturation patrols, checkpoint stops, DUI dragnets, targeted areas and more.
After years of experience in Contra Costa County, attorneys at The Law Offices of Johnson & Johnson have gained a great deal of valuable information and knowledge regarding DUI enforcement operations of the various police and sheriffs departments.
Court and Law Enforcement DUI Stings
This is becoming a more common and troubling practice of Judges directing court staff to follow defendants out of the courtroom after a hearing or arraignment to try to witness a possible license violation if they drive away themselves.
A more sophisticated sting operation conducted by law enforcement, is by
working with the District Attorneys Office and by using court records,
the California Law Enforcement Tracking System (CLETS) and DMV records to figure out who is going to be in court on a particular
date. The defendants are then subjects of a “courthouse stake-out”
and are arrested again if they drive on a suspended license.
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Saturation Patrols
Increased funding from the federal and state government has resulted in
the explosion of saturation or patrols performed independently by a given
police department or in conjunction with other local police departments
or sheriffs. The agencies use the funding to pay overtime to officers
who conduct late night patrol operations specifically targeting DUI traffic
stops. This dubious practice gives law enforcement a financial incentive
to stop motorists looking for DUIs.
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If you feel that you were the subject of pre-textual stop, prolonged detention, or arrested from a saturation patrol, do not hesitate to contact our office today to schedule a consultation to discuss the circumstances of your traffic stop and arrest at (925) 900-5330.

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Peter Johnson, Esq.
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Carin L. Johnson, Esq.
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Bianca Teran Leichnitz, Esq.
Associate Attorney
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Michelle Gomez
Legal Administrative Assistant
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Stefanie Vega
Legal Administrative Assistant
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Graham Michiels
Legal Administrative Assistant
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